Embracing and Balancing Change
Finding self-actualisation by Aligning Change with a Higher Purpose
In the previous article we discussed four simple steps for progressing towards your goals. When followed consistently with commitment and clarity over a period of time will lead to progress that you thought was impossible.
One of the most important parts of undertaking the four steps is that we have work outside our comfort zone, resulting in change. Naturally, we all resist change. We like to remain in our comfortable cocoon.
So, what is change? Think about what change means to you. How do you adapt to change?
This article will aim to align change in such a manner that helps you progress towards your goals whilst also maintaining your core values.
Change is a multifaceted phenomenon. However, it can be simplified into three key categories:
Time - this is the continuous movement that has been created to change at a constant defined rate. Time is the constant framework within which all change transformation can occur. Such as constant when you were in your mother’s womb for 9 months. Your mother was always there for that period of time. Time is similar constant in our lives and will continue to move at a constant rate even after our death. Basically, time can work in our favour or it can control our behavior. The course of events we take over time in our life will affect the outcome received towards our destiny.
Events - this occurs based on the system that is currently in place. In a simple form the events can occur spontaneously, or we can consciously take control of our own action/events over time towards our destiny. Events occur as a catalyst for change, triggering the shifts in our circumstances and influencing our beliefs that form our future reality. Since we were in our mother’s womb, there has been events occurring around us, whilst we transformed. We merged with our mother’s egg, split cells and were changing at developing for 9 months until we were born. The events that occurred over this 9-month period were linked to the system of our mother thoughts, influence and beliefs. When we were born it was now time for us to individually form beliefs from the events that occurred around us.
Destiny - this represents the inherent order of independence, neither time nor events can affect destiny at a higher cosmic level. Destiny is typically out of control as it is influenced by our surroundings such as people and nature. All actions that occur in our surroundings are out of control at a higher cosmic level that form our destiny. The only item we have control over is how we consciously spend our time and the events that occur that form our belief system which results in the destiny we obtain. We can only minutely affect our own destiny by being conscious within ourselves of the surroundings. Aiming to improve on ourselves towards the way we would like to move forward in life.
These three elements are linked in a manner that drive the process of change, and also how we manage, perceive and form our beliefs toward change. They highlight the balance between what we can control and what is influenced by external factors, that is not in our control.
Time is the constant rate that allows for change to occur. It is platform that never changes allowing for change to occur at whatever speed necessary depending on atoms or your energy consciousness.
Events are the incidents that occur over time that trigger our change in thought or belief. This developed belief leads to the movement and direction of our actions.
Destiny refers to the outcome received which can be in and cannot be in our control.
Generally, throughout history successful persons have focused on items within their control and spent limited time on items outside their control. Let’s dive into some examples…
Examples of Change that is Not in Our Control
When we look at our own body, have you noticed or thought about how much it changes on a daily basis? When you wake up in the morning and look at the mirror and start noticing the change in your skin, do you know how often the layers of skin are reborn over time. Scientists have noted that our epidermis, the top layer of our skin, is reborn approximately every 28-30 days. Imagine all those minute changes that atoms, protons, electrons undergo every second to your skin. All that change is slowly occurring unconsciously, that is out of our control.
Now, let’s move to a larger scale. It is well known that the earth’s axis is currently tilted at 24.5 degrees. Though were you aware, the axis is changing by 1 degree every 72 years or so. Known as the process of axial precession. The precession process may create small changes over time, but it has been calculated that the axis does a full precession cycle every 26000 years. Again, change that occurs so slow, that is not in our control, but still occurs…
It is hard for us to comprehend, but this change occurs to every living thing in nature, and it is not in our control. Change occurs constantly, both in the blink of an eye and over millennia, much of which happens without us being consciously aware.
We can't control these massive or minute natural changes, which we have no influence over. They remind us that change is inevitable. Just as we can't control the tilt of the earth or how our skin develops or where we are born, we can't control every change that occurs in our lives, but we can consciously influence how we respond to events that occur forming our beliefs.
Change is an inevitable constant force in our lives.
Time will move forward, whether we want it to or not. Events will continue to unfold, regardless of our preferences.
So, the real question is how we can influence these events over time so that destiny can be diverted consciously towards the way you would like to move in life.
Examples of Change that is in Our Control
The only thing we have in our control is overcoming the resistance to change. Overcoming this resistance within our MinD will transform the events that occur over time in our life and lead to destiny we desire.
Re-read the above statement and ask yourself if this is your reality?
Research suggests that around 80% of people resist change, even when there is already so much change occurring around them! Have you ever noticed that as we get older the resistance to change becomes greater, due to negative experiences that we face which inform our subconscious MinD to avoid change again.
Ask yourself are those previous experiences that are held within your subconscious MinD correct?
Everything in nature changes. From the day you were born, the only change you have control over are your own thoughts, beliefs and actions. It is in our nature that we change over time that helps us fulfil our desires and liberate ourselves in a sustainable manner by taking small risks by developing habits in our MinD. Similar to how our skin changes on atomic level to transform in 30 days, we can create habits that can have lasting affect over our long-term destiny.
Similarly, the earth’s axis is changing at a sustainable rate, allowing for life to grow and prosper. The axis doesn’t change 1 degree every day, which would cause chaos beyond our imagination. Most resistance to change is formed when we aim to change too many events in too little time, leading to failure. If we were to change small habits over time, the resultant failure will also be small, but there will be progress and compounding effect of this will be huge. Change is all about embracing it, finding your own balance with habitual change for the massive desires we hold in our MinD.
Embracing and Balancing Change
The fear of change holds us back from our own destiny…
Embracing change doesn’t mean it’s always easy. In fact, change often comes with discomfort. However, this discomfort is often the signal of growth. By pushing through the discomfort, you allow yourself to expand, learn, and move closer to your goals. When we learn to embrace discomfort, we unlock the potential for true transformation. This transformation will naturally lead to balance towards the change of habits that has been made. Just like when you were born and stepped out the cocoon and your whole environment changed from darkness to lightness, and you could not stop crying. Even at this age you persisted with the change and found balance with your new environment.
Instead of attempting a complete overhaul of your routine, try small adjustments. For example, if you want to get healthier, start by adding a 10-minute walk to your day. If you want to improve your MinDset, practice gratitude for just 5 minutes each morning. These small shifts, repeated consistently with clarity and commitment, will lead to profound changes over time.
Simply shown graphically, conscious, consistent, change made over time will lead to the destiny we obtain.
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts
Aligning the Power of Change to a Higher Purpose
When change is performed consciously that aligns with nature’s core principles this will lead to the non-existence of time and events. Change can be aligned with three stages of our lives:
Survival - this is change we make to ensure we are able to sustain ourselves in this world. The change in our actions we perform to ensure we can survive to meet minimum requirements such as having sufficient food and shelter.
Significance - the stage where we have enough to survive and start to accumulate items and create change only for us with the aim of obtaining significance in area we desire.
Self-actualisation - 95% of people remain in the significance change stage for remainder of our life, with the aim to always to become bigger and better feeding the lower levels of consciousness discussed in the previous article. Self-actualisation is where you start to change things for the betterment of nature and humanity.
The MinDvesting Philosophy
Stepping into self-actualisation is leaving the thought of your own destiny and start using your superconscious MinD to help other beings and nature achieve their own desires in a sustainable manner. Timeless leaders over human history have shown us the path towards self-actualisation. Leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi in the past, and Narendra Modi in our current age. At this level of superconsciousness, our energy becomes aligned with righteousness, humility, truthfulness, fairness, and ensures that we aligned for the sustenance of all living beings and nature. Transformative change of this nature to our MinD, has led to leaders that can imbibe great knowledge and influence humanity by service and ensuring the utmost principles of life are in place for sustainable progress of future generations.
I really liked the Alan Watts quote! Great article!